SWS : I will take a bigger suitcase !

grace bailhache holiday suitcase

Wow never been so happy to reach saturday, what a week folks. I will have much to write tonight on my red book if you remember my last SWS Gratitude journal from green to red. So let skip the bad news and get concentrated on positive like few days of holidays to take but it’s only to be part of a wedding. Humm… I love traveling so much that years ago I use to have my luggage out and open and waiting days before the actual packing needs to be done. My father use to say « princess, a good holiday starts with a well-packed suitcase. » To be honest, this is one of his best advice I hardly follow…Sic !

Sorry dad but I guess I will take a bigger suitcase !

At least my words fit into the SWS meme, and I’m on my way to link to cate’s blog here Six word Saturday hope to see you there or on your blog. In the meantime, I wish you all a very happy SWS !


Do you have any tips on how to pack lightly ?

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