5 tips and tricks to make the most of 2016

grace bailhache tips best year 2016Dear readers 2016 is here. Happy New Year ! My most important wish for you is that the universe of whatever you call it praise you with health, because without we can’t go nowhere and do nothing. After that, I wish you to hit your financial, your relationship goals, to spend time with your family, do things that are important to you, to make the most of the time left and live the best year possible.

Many people are already working on the goals they have set in december for 2016. Others are still working on planning and some others considered pointless to set goals. If you are members of the no plan team because after all a lot of good things happen without setting goals friendships, falling in love, finding a job, and because you don’t wanna be frustrated if you don’t achieve them, then this article is no use for you, skip it and keep doing what you’re doing. For the record, life is a choice and I believe everyone is free to choose what they want.

If you want to achieve your highest potential, live your best life while reaching your highest consciousness, regardless of your status, one thing is the same, there is still time to get things done before January is over. Yes this is kind of out of the box article, since everyone me included usually set goals and plan during december for the year to come. But, what I have learned from the past two years made me change a little the way I set goals and since it’s worked for me, I decide to share this new strategy and my practises with my readers.

best year tips best year 2016 grace bailhacheI’m really excited to share thoses 5 tips and tricks on how you can make the most of 2016.

1. Rewind 2015 and celebrate

Most of the time for those who are familiar with this practise, the commom reaction is to review the past year and beat oneself for what we didn’t achieve, complain about it and be discourage to get back to the game. What I have done january 2015 that changed my entire year is to rewing 2014 from the different perspective and that dear readers changed my entire year, and I get back to the same process this year. I started setting my goals and planned 2016 at the end of december but knowing that before january 15 I will get back to it with no stress to give it a go. Last sunday I took my time to review 2015 by writing down ALL my achievement health, financial, relationships, everything that help me grow, everything I was proud of, even the litlle things and I celebrate those victories and allow myself to shout out my thankfullness.

Why doing this ? : Because this process give us joy, amplified our confidence, increased our passion and courage, help you being better persons by learning from the past year instead of being affected by it.

2. Finish Something right away

While you are in the rewind process and full of this good energy the celebration gave you, make a list of things that you started in 2015 and pic ONE element and commit yourself to achieve it right away. I had to finish 8 authors biography posts for the african woman’s day blog and for some reasons I was procrastinating on it since november. Well I planned to do it in 4 days, 2 articles by days, one in the morning, one at night. And before I knew, it was done. Closing out those tasks seriously motivated me to get back to blogging again.

Why doing this ? : because you can’t fail since you gonna choose only something that you can achieve right away. While everyone else is busying opening new doors quickly, you close and old door first.

best year something new grace bailhache 3. Start Something brain new

At this point you can looked back on 2015 and say to yourself “what a year I’ve had.” Don’t wait any longer to begin something new. It might be something has been on your Someday-Maybe list? It’s ight be something you Have always wanted to do or maybe it is a new goal or project ? Make a short list pick one and get a head start NOW. I challenged myself to do something I never thought I could do, first because I’ve always choose to get it done by others, second because I was too lazy to give it a try myself. I commit myself to pick’n’drop braid my hair. You tube videos were really helpful , few hours at night, three days later it’s was done. Unbelievable….I’m still chocked that I actually did. It’s far from being perfect, but one week later, I haven’t loose anything and I think I will keep them till the end of the month. I will surely share my next try on the blog, but if you want to see the first result by now just, email me and I will send you a picture.

Why doing this ? : because while you are in this good energy of a best year process, it’s the perfect time to start something off the beaten path. You’ll immediately send to your brain the message now is the time to act.

4. Align your inner self, values and purpose

In order to do new things, and achieve new goals, we have to become new persons and it’s clear that we need to make a switch of mindset. Life change so do we. Are you still fine with your inner self in 2016 ? Are you clear with who you are today and what you represent ? What are your values today ? Do you know what your life purpose is ? Have you set the mission statement that will drive you to live your best life ? Do you live in alignment with your values and purpose ? Or somehow during the journey you’ve lost your way ? My values are excellence, passion, share, diversity and courage. This part of the process helped me staying true to who I was, set the highest standards for myself and achieve them, and always give my clients a high quality serviceto help them be better at expressing themselfs.

Why doing this ? : because as Jim Rohn use to say ‘Work hard at your job and you can make a living. Work hard on yourself and you can make a fortune.’ When your inner self, values and purpose are align you’re unstoppable.

best year acceptance grace bailhache5. Acceptance and responsability

There no questions, regardless of who you are, you will not achieve every goals that you set, but you drastically increase your chances by planning ahead. Acceptance means being prepare to the unexpectable and ready to deal with it. What ever pop up during the journey, you have to be ready to accept it IMMEDIATELY as a new reality instead of fighting it. Than take responsability of your decision to act : what you can do to keep up and get back to the game ? What happens to us do not depend on us, but how we react can’t be delegate, is our fully responsability. Among of all, keep in mind the humility to always be learning. The day I decide that stopping my business for an indetermine time was the best solution for me to heal, that acceptance leads me to set up new goals and practises to stay in touch and get back to the game when the time is right. It’s hard but it’s worth it.

Why doing this ? : because dear readers, once you do accept and take responsability : you quit complaining and doing things for the sake of doing them, you are more proactive and you create your own opportunities.

Now that you’ve reached the end of this process, you are ready to set realistics goals to make the most of 2016. You might also check this post I wrote in 2013 to help you 3 reasons why you don’t maintain Your New Years Resolutions.

Please share yours thoughts on the comments down bellow, I’ll be delighted as usual to exchange with you, tell me about your goals, practises or tips if you have any and see you on february for new posts !

63 commentaires sur “5 tips and tricks to make the most of 2016

  1. Grace même in english je sens bien que tu me chambres it is all good for me, je continue.

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