3 reasons why you don’t maintain Your New Years Resolutions

grace bailhache new year resolutions

New years resolutions are around the corner. Deciding on what your resolutions are going to be can be lots of fun, but when it comes time to actually execute them – well, there are bound to be bumps in the road. Hands up if you’re thinking about making a list ! Keep your hands up, if some of the elements of your list were already there last year ? Some says january is a spectacularly bad time to make resolutions, I just happen to think that it’s doesn’t matter when you make a decision, if from the start you self sabotage it by acting in a certain way or avoiding necessary moves to do. Wait a minute, it’s not all bad news. Here are 3 of the majors reasons why you don’t maintain your new years resolutions.

Unset goals

Yes I can read your lips, well, I made a list but I just didn’t wrote it down, everything is on my mind. Writing your goals down is one of the most important actions you can take to obtain the life you want . Sadly, most people don’t do it.

Reporting the start

Action precedes motivation, not the other way around. Starting with deferred shares is the most recurrent reason why people don’t maintain their resolutions. I love that quote from Walt Disney  »  » Once you initiate an action, you create momentum.

Unrealistic goals

When you set your goals for the resolutions make sure they are realistic. A unrealistic goal is a goal that more energy, skills, talents, and time than you have available in order to achieve it.

Pro tips : When setting your goals use the SMART method by setting Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time parameters goals. Make sure to also to break your large goal down into small steps.

Ask yourself these 3 questions, and if you answer yes to any of them, you may have found your personal resolutions defeaters. Outwit them and you’ll soon be back on track to maintain your new years resolutions.

If you want to share your New Year resolutions struggles or if you know of any other things that should be add on this checklist, feel free to leave a comment.

24 commentaires sur “3 reasons why you don’t maintain Your New Years Resolutions

  1. New Year never meant a fresh start, a new beginning, I always renew my goals. But this post is so on point, I can definitely relate to those simple rules to help people to keep the resolutions.


  2. I never manage to keep my new years resolutions !!!Thanks for this Grace – its a great reminder that there are no secrets and you actually got a point in it.


    1. Never say never Xavier, tomorow is still to be written. Please let me know if you need help with anything 🙂

  3. Great stuff Grace, just reading your blog is enough to learn any kind of topic. What do you think about the apps to Help the New Year’s Resolutions Stick?

    1. Isobel, glad you enjoyed it. Actually it’s dépends, if you »re really a tech girl and you found the good one, go for it. I don’t use them, if that was part of the question.

  4. I know a lot of people who don’t explicitly make resolutions and I wonder why they are so surprise to never achieve any of theirs goals ?
    Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. This is really helpful for many.

    1. Good question. Thanks for your persistence in reading dear Alphonsyne, I truly appreciate it 🙂

  5. Hi Grace,
    Does this ‘expertise’ rely on weight lost ? Coz losing weight is (not surprisingly) the most common resolution for 2014 and it’s mine.
    So, can you give me an example of realistic and unrealistic goals ?

    1. Yes Heather, I do think so, an unrealistic weight loss resolutions could be for instead : I want to loose let say 10 pounds in one month or I want to loose weight without working out and changing my eating habit, you see ?

      What I mean by realistic, it’s a resolution that you can really maintain, knowing your past experience, you strenght and weakness. If you expected too much of yourself, “chop up your resolution into little pièces for instead, small steps are much more manageable and they eventually add up to greater achievements.

  6. I often make it rewarding for me and I never take two much resolutions one or two maximum.

    1. I love the way you see it. Rewarding can be a good one, if it’s work for you, that fine. I often congrat myself, it that what you meant ? Again, thanks for sharing this with us Michel !

    1. Yes Jerome, very soon. I introduce it with the topic around the difference between a wish and a goal.

  7. Being realistic is definitely the thing. Only 8% of people are actually successful in achieving their resolutions. My motto is always to pick One, Concrete « Must-Do » Goal and focus on it. Do you know this quote by Tony Robbins « People overestimate what they can do in a year, but underestimate what they can do in a decade. »
    Bon week end Grace

    1. Philippe, so glad you had some value with this quote, it’s so helpful. This is really validating and I appreciate your feedback

    1. That great Kiminou, I look forward to hearing more feedback about it…

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