Marketing : unexpected viral video for the lion king cast

grace bailhache marketing video viral brisbane

Today, we’re travelling for Australia folks.  Indeed, for the first time ever, Disney’s blockbuster musical The Lion King will travel to Brisbane for a season commencing in September 2014 and thing is that after the official Brisbane launch announcement,  The assembled cast, surprised the passengers with the song  The circle of Life. It was so much fun. Have you seen this video ? I totally fell in love for it and wish I were one of the passengers buckled in for Virgin Australia’s flight 970 from Brisbane to Sydney last Wednesday, and witness this impromptu performance from the cast of the hit musical The Lion King.

This video is exactly what I call a perfect and unexpected marketing move for a show, who could dream better publicity than this. This short video have everything we’re looking for, a « real moment » life, ordinary people living an extraordinary moment, beautiful and talented cast, what else could you dream about ?

Share your thoughts about the video, let me know if you like or dislike it and why ? How would you react in such a situation ? Can’t wait to read your comments and happy sunday !

31 commentaires sur “Marketing : unexpected viral video for the lion king cast

  1. I love Elton John music and Can you feel the love tonight is on the show, I just saw the movies never the broadway show.

    1. Yeah you’re right about Sir Elton John, I’m a huge fan of his compositions too. Well, you’re not that far from New York, so you could see someday !

  2. Ben heu … je sais pas , c’est quand même des chanteurs pro qui initient le truc quoi … et puis c’est même pas la musique qui proviendrait du film que tout le monde aurait vu … ché pa.

    Les hôtesses ne réagissent alors qu’on ne devrait pas filmer dans l’avion … elles sont complices je pense. Bof pour moi, ils ont voulu faire « style video amateur » avec la mauvaise qualité mais bon, moi je ne suis guère convaincu !
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