Victoria’s Secret Holiday 2015 : the 3 A inspiration

victoria secret rome commercial crush grace bailhache As the holiday season is here, for some this means welcoming family and friends into the home, while others will celebrate alone or with friends. Since I have been away for a while, I need to catch up with my online people and share some juicy inspirational videos starting with Victoria’s Secret Holiday 2015. Dear readers, bare with me if you’re a Taylor Swift fan like my girl Robin, her lovely song isn’t part of the 3 A I have choose to enlight. But to choose is to foresake isn’t it ?

Here are the 3 A we could all add to our next share : amazing, astonish and awesome !

Amazing hottest angels
We all know the Victoria’s Secret models always look incredible but for once I find them really hot, mysterious and glamorous !

Astonishing location
OMG nothing less than the Colosseum Amphitheatre of Roma Aeterna The Eternal City guys plus the lightling are super duper !

Awesome slogan
When you’re surrender by all this beauty, less is really more when it come to the message and The greatest gift of all is the gift of love is perfect !

Guilty pleasure : I’m totally insane with that one, but I must confess I would have loved a sudden appareance of Katniss and her arc ….Don’t hate me…Hunger Games is not only for teens…

One regret : I love horses too, and a beautiful girl next a white horse is always appealing but c’mon guys, shooting in Rome, the eternal city knowing that, the founder Romulus and his twin has been feed by the famous she-wolf, the « lupa », what a wonderful occasion to have she-wolf changing into a Victoria secret angel….Wow… I will save it for my dreams.

Please leave your thoughts on the Victoria’s Secret Holiday 2015 and let me know in the comment below your favorite « A » inspiration or whatever inspires you…

136 commentaires sur “Victoria’s Secret Holiday 2015 : the 3 A inspiration

  1. What is the message ? The spirit of holidays is an angel wearing bra ? Hilarious! Good commercial efficient !

  2. l’problem avec c’genre de video c comme les videos des nenettes qui s’maquille à donf et entre l’avant et l’apres tu t’demande qui c ? la ok on vend du reve et qui c’est qui s’trouve derriere a ramer avec sa cellulite et ses bourrelet pour repondre a pepere bah moi j’ai un super eclairage et un maquillage a la truelle pour couvrir tout ca et pis ben j’aime le foie gras vais pas m’affamer pour ressembler a un ange de mes deux alors ouais faut bien marquer comme sur les paquets d’clope elle existe pas en vrai ok

    1. Intéressant ce plaidoyer protéiforme Estelle, d’accord avec toi sur le fait de ne pas s’affamer, même si je ne partage pas ton enthousiasme pour le gavage d’oie….SouRIRES !

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