54 commentaires sur “3 Tips to create effective Sign-Up Forms that increase sales

  1. I’am very impress by your english sister. This is a a very informational and very helpful post especially for networkers who are new with the business.


  2. Thanks for a great post Grace. Your blog site is fantastic, I just can’t stop reading, its so fresh, so filled with updates. I sign up to yours in the website because the headline grabbed my attention.

    1. Welcome to the blog Jean-Louis, I was delighted to have you on the website and hope we’ll continue our exchanges here as well.

  3. If you people eliminate the common marketing mistakes everyone is making and adopt principles proven to boost results this can help. But before they have to know that marketing decisions are made under uncertain conditions. It is impossible to know the exact response from clients without some form of testing or the response of competitors.

    1. There a clear and obvious difference between regular customers and other customers. What are the principles you are talking about and for whom Philippe ?


      1. Jean-Louis, I am talking about marketing principles such as focusing on the needs of your customers, to know your target market and make sure your customers see your marketing messages.

        1. This has already been say by Grace, it’s not new. What value you think to add with the comment you made Philippe ?


          1. What is your problem exactly Jean-Louis ? I comment on a topic and many others in this blog, not to show anything. I’ am learning also from Grace otherwise I will not come back here often. I think that the best marketing ideas are actually company operations that happen to be really appealing or compelling to customers too not only to make entrepreneurs feel good or happy of themselves like I see often.

  4. There is no problem Philippe. I was trying to understand what you meant to say. The only real principle is to do whatever it takes to ensure that your customer is successful in his endeavor.


    1. I was not saying something else. But there is a difference between the goal and how to achieve it.

      1. I’m very curious to read the differences you have in mind Philippe.


        1. Jean-louis What I mean is that a lot of people have goals but not half of them do anything to achieve them to change their lifes.

          1. So you agree with me. Only the champions do whatever it takes to be champion. I was right from the beginning.


  5. @ Jean-Louis & Philippe…Thank you so much to both of you for those very interesting comments. It’s been a while and I guess you don’t follow this post any longer. Well, just to let you know that I’m back again and the blog will have new posts.

  6. I still think the same. I don’t know why you don’t propose the newletter subscribtion anymore ? What about your list ?

    1. Good question and the answers Alphonsyne is that I thought it incessary when I had the website, but now I’m thinking about renewing it…

  7. I agree that call to action work for me only when there a value offer, if there’s a guide or a free course.

    1. Yes Isobel, that the reason why my samples are about the value. Thanks for reading.

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