Gates, Stewart and Sheen 3 of my Best ALS Ice Bucket Challenges

ice bucket challenge greatest bill gatespatrick-stewart-charlie-sheenYou are likely to ask me why I had no writing on the Ice Bucket Challenge... And honestly I did not see what I would have been able to add more than what you have already read this summer dear readers. But I finally found a way to share with you about this phenomenon unplanned viral campaign that’s exploding from celebrities and your community. If you haven’t seen it yet, I suggest you to catch up the article published in French 2 weeks ago Ice Bucket Challenge : George Bush, Vladimir Poutine et Barack Obama check it out and don’t worry, you will be able to enjoy at least the videos if you haven’t already.

According to a TIME report, the viral online challenge for ALS has already raised over $50 million. Mission accomplished.

We all know by now that the challenge became an international craze after numerous videos of famous celebrities went viral through the social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I confess that I haven’t seen that much of them, (less then 50)  but from what I saw, here are 3  videos  that I found really interesting for different reasons. 

1°) Funny and original reminder  : Charlie Sheen

2°) Absolutely fabulous creative  reminder  : Bill Gates !

3°) Classy and silently ironic reminder :  Sir Patrick Stewart !

Three videos, three different personalities but they all have one thing in common,  they all what one thing in commom, they all reminds the world that the ice-bucket challenge isn’t about publicity or celebrities virtually high-fiving each other, but is about giving money to a very worthy cause.

So let me now guys if Since you want me to speak about this Ice Bucket Challenge, I expect to hear from you and see your thoughts on the comment bellow ! Happy friday !

55 commentaires sur “Gates, Stewart and Sheen 3 of my Best ALS Ice Bucket Challenges

  1. Thank you Grace I thinl Bill Gates and Patrick are completely in a different level to most celebrities who did the ice bucket challenge. Well done, for this article.

  2. Bill Gates is my hero and I’m glad he led by example. Can’t stand Charlie Sheen.


    1. Well you can’t please everyone right Jake ? Thanks for commenting and looking forward to hearing much more from you !

  3. The ALS challenge was not so big in Italy but I like the videos here and your approach is interesting. Ma perché Bill Gates non ho capito ?


    1. Hi Ale, I’m glad you liked the post okay I won’t be answering that question in italian sorry ! Actually, I loved BG video’s because, in my opinion he didn »t try to « be normal » he’s a Creator, innovator so he did what he always do, create something and I liked it, it’s short, classy, brilliant !

  4. pourquoi pas mais si tout le monde avait fait comme patrick stewart et charlie sheen çà n’aurait pas fait le buzz et ils n’auraient pas eu autant d’argent pour la recherche pas d’accord Grace ?

    1. Je ne dis pas le contraire Jordan, cet article n’est pas une thèse contre ou pour le challenge. Toujours fidèle à ma ligne éditoriale, je propose simplement mon top 3 des vidéos dont j’ai apprécié le marketing.

      Merci beaucoup de ta fidélité à ce blog, çà me fait grand plaisir !

  5. Good job and very creative Grace. I don’t know a lot Charlie Sheen but he was very funy and serious that good. But Patrick Stewart is very chic.

    1. Dear Michel, I’m glad you liked the post. Sir PS is british so I wasn’t really surprised. Smiles !

  6. Still winning Grace ! Another good article different from the other, I like the way Charlie Sheen and Patrick Stewart puts their own spin on the Ice Bucket Challenge.

  7. The challenge has 2 goals raises money and awareness for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Bill Gates did both in his video, he is a great man. What is very schoking for me is that there is currently no cure for this disease.

    1. Giovi thanks for the additional informations you bring, they were very helpful !

  8. oui ils sont trop forts ces americains pour se mettre en scene et faire de l’argent charlie sheen me fait bien rire je m’attendais pas à ca j’espère qu’il les as tous envoyé les billets

    1. Comme tu le dis si bien Elodie, c’est une tout autre culture. L’argent n’étant pas un tabou chez eux, il l’a forcement envoyé ne fusse que pour éviter que ses détracteurs ne disent le contraire. Je suis volontairement mauvaise langue. SouRIRES !

  9. I appreciate your approach with this article plus Sir Patrick is just perfect beyond words

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