Mindset serie (1) : gratitude journal

grace bailhache journal gratitudeI take the summer to answer some of your questions through articles in a serie called Mindset so I’ll start by telling you about two things that you have quite intrigued and interested: the gratitude journal, the vision board, meditation and visualization. I’ll do here before the break.

In this first part, I will talk about the gratitude journal and trying to address all the points which you asked me. First thing first a quick definition : A gratitude journal is a diary of things for which one is grateful.

1* how did you discover ?

My friend Robin had told me about Sarah Ban Breathnach’s book Simple Abundance quite a few years ago after seing her on Oprah’s show and I really didn’t see the point at that time. I was naturally grateful and say thank you every time a good thing happened. But in September 2012 I get overwhelmed by a lot of things and I couldn’t get my positive mind back. Then, in December 2012 I decide to get over it and finally gave a chance to this book to help me out. 

2* what‘s the point ?

Basically Gratitude journals are used by people who wish to focus their attention on the positive things of life. In my case, I have choose to follow Ban Breathnach example : writing down  5 things daily to be grateful for, everynight before sleeping.

3* Everyone can do it? 

I really believe everyone is capable of everything, the best and the worst, we simply have to decide what we really want. To find out if you can do it there are only two things to do :  read the second answer. Do you feel concerned ?  If the answer is no, then you know. If the answer is yes or maybe, then find yourself another goal to add to your will to focus on positive things. Because that goal will help you during the bad days. You know those days where everything seems to go wrong ?

4*For how long do you use it ?

I use it for a year and a half, it’s already happened to me once or twice to sleep without writing my daily moments of gratitude, not because I had nothing to write but due to extreme fatigue. In such case, I wrote them the next day in the morning.

5*What has changed in your life?

The immediate result after a week of daily gratitude was that I gradually turn back to be the person I was before , enthusiastic, positive, with projects and the desire to share again.

To conclude, I really don’t think that only the gratitude journal help me on my mindset switch, it’s a mixture of many things, that why I create this series to get into some of the differents rituals that allow me to move forward. Let me know if I answered all your questions, if you have already tried the daily or gratitude journal or if you don’t see the point at all ! Can’t wait to read you, tell me everything down bellow !

29 commentaires sur “Mindset serie (1) : gratitude journal

  1. For now I feel like quite a disparity of outcomes about this gratitude journal but I appreciate the serie.

  2. Went very good Grace, we started the campaign on August 15 during the Solemnity of the Assumption.

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