Mindset serie (2) : vision board

grace bailhache mindset serie vision boardDear readers, after the « gratitude journal« , here is the second part of my mindset series, and we will address « the vision board ».  To maintain consistency, I will approach this topic with the same questions as the previous one.

First things first what is a vision board ? If you don’t know it yet is a collection of images or notes of the things that you want to do, be, or have in your life.

that you attached to a board and placed somewhere that you can see it every day as a reminder of your deepest desires. I build my vision board and place it first on my background computer and then also had a copy that I had near my bed to have a look on it every morning when I wake up.

1* how did you discover ?

I discovered the vision board few years ago while I was working in Holland. Some collegues introduced me Dale Carnegie, jim rohn and others speakers. The company who hired me was using theirs mindset tips to motivate people. At that time, I didn’t really care about the vision board for a personal use, I was more interested in other things such as their strategies, the web marketing, internet wasn’t what it is today. So that how I heard about the vision board the first time.

2* what‘s the point ?

 Let me ask you a question…If you don’t know where you going, how will you know when you get there ? The vision board is a concrete reminder of what you want to do, who you want to be or what you want to achieve. Once you choose your goals, put in images and have it near you where you can see it everyday, believe me, it’s no longer a fantasy but a constant reminder to go for it, and stay fixed and motivated to achieve your goals.
3* Everyone can do it?

Every person who has the will to change can do it. As long, as long as you know that the road will be difficult and that wishing isn’t enough and action is everything, the vision board will be your best ally.

4*For how long do you use it ?

I started in December 2012 few weeks before my 100 days challenge. And since then, I’m still updating my vision board* because some images have become reality and I no longer need to keep them.

5*What has changed in your life?

I don’t believe in instant results. But after a week using my vision board coupled with the gratitude journal, I have noticed changes in my attitude. Very quickly, after 3 weeks, I was returned to be myself and it was really my very first goal. Getting back the real me before the dramas : without fear, sadness, always ready for discoveries and projects. 

That it folks, I do not want to repeat myself, but sometimes it’s  necessary. The reason why I decide to create a serie is that, I’am convinced that it is the combination of different Elements (gratitude journal, vision board, meditation and visualisation) that have allowed me to achieve my goals step by step. Give me your opinion on the vision board down bellow. See you on the comments ! 

*the picture which illustrate this post is my public version of my first vision board, my personal version have messages and numbers on it, I don’t think sharing every details is necessary.

41 commentaires sur “Mindset serie (2) : vision board

    1. Absolutely coach…For those who find that somewhat difficult de clarify theirs goals, making a vision board can be a tremendous help.

    1. Well dearest Hannah, basically and very briefly what I can say is that In order to create your vision board and start using it, you must actively seek images that represent specific details of what you want to achieve, be or possesse in your new life. The more specific you are the better is it !

  1. Good reading Grace, but how quickly that fresh “new me” attitude can sink back into oblivion beneath the tasks and challenges of everyday life?

    1. Well Alphonsyne, it’s depend if you’re just interested or committed…If someone is only interested in something, he or she will do it only when it’s convenient. That way the new me won’t last longer. You have to be committed to for it to work.

  2. Visualize your dreams into actions this is our best slogan ! Very good introduction Grace, sei incredibile sai ?


    1. Hey ALE, I love your slogan thank you so much for the compliment and for his share.

  3. Some very valid points for an introduction, well done Grace ! No matter what happens during my day, my vision board is a constant reminder of where I intend to be.

    1. You are a pro Philippe, so thank you for this testimony, indeed having the vision board constantly where you can see it, appeal to you on both conscious and subconscious levels, that way it’s keeps your mind focused on the goal and the direction you have choose.

  4. Thanks for sharing Grace, please stay us up to daste like this. I wish you peace, joy, and abundance in every aspect of your life!

    1. THANK YOU so much Heather for this comment, I’m near to heaven….I’m really glad you appreciate !

  5. Be grateful for each day, thank god and make a Vision Board to create the life you want those are my Grandma words. Great post amazing Grace


    1. Oooo Jake thanks again for sharing this….I know you loved her so much…she knew about the vision board that so amazing

  6. This article is perfect as an introduction to vision boards, thank you for sharing those high points.

  7. It’s so hard to be focused when we are constantly bombarded by distractions. Therefore that’s why this piece of writing is outstdanding. Thank you Grace !

    1. You are much welcome…I guess I will save this part of your comment  » we are constantly bombarded by distractions » and insert it to my next session. So it’s my time to thank you so much for that !

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