SWS : I carry your heart with me

GraceBailhache kiminou caroline poetry carry you

It’s been a while since my last entries Would you send me a postcard & Time to say good bye with the six words saturday meme, but 2014 is there and I miss some fellows I use to visit. This poem by E.E Cummings is one of my favorite, I read it once for a friend funeral because he also loved it, but today, I see it like a lovely, really way to say to all of you that I do care about you and also to thank for sticking around and stopping by from time to time.

This extract is for you and the draw is from my sister Kiminou Caroline

I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) I’am never without it (anywhere I go you go, my dear ; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling) [….]

I carry your heart with me (I carry it in] by E. E. Cummings


I’m really sorry because it’s had been reported to me by a postcard friendship blogger that she or he have received a lot of emails in french after commenting to my blog. I don’t know why or how those spams comes in our blogs but they do, and I also have them even if I have a plugin to avoid them, I regularly delete a lot of them. If someone have any advice, let me know.

This is my entrie for cate’s blog here Six word Saturday .

Happy SWS everyone and see you soon !


34 commentaires sur “SWS : I carry your heart with me

  1. Tell me your secret Grace now I want to look english poetry to tell you how do you do that I don’t like poetry normally. 😉

    1. Ah ah ah Michel. Thanks for popping by, you always make me smile. Now I know why I’m into smilies lately, you are the one who started, how did you manage to put it here, you always prétends to be totally a mess on internet ?

  2. I leave you the poem and I take the beautiful woman. Kiminou Caroline is your sister ? Talented family Grace. You never told me. I know and appreciate her work.

    1. Ok, deal Philippe but I don’t own any copyright for that lovely face. Smiles ! I’m sure Kiminou will answers to you directly. And yes, she’s my sister of « heart ».

      1. You guys are amazing. Alors là je n’en reviens pas de toutes ces cachotteries ! Smiles !

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