Holidays cards -Postcard Friendship Friday #202

grace bailhache poscard wishes warm

I have been a very bad postcard friend lately, because I didn’t made it to enter my last posts Four countries and a beauty -Postcard Friendship Friday #198 and Santa is coming to town-Postcard Friendship Friday #200. Now it’s 2014 and I really want to share this with my fellow postcards lovers and with you as well here on my blog of course.

So here are some of the cards I’ve received for the holidays and wishes.

grace bailhache bonne anneeReally cute Happy New Year in french with stars and dove ! 

grace bailhache meilleurs voeuxA shiny card Meilleurs vœux in french means Best wishes !

grace bailhache fin bonne annee And the last one yet another Bonne année meaning Happy new year !

I’m really sorry because it’s had been reported to me by a postcard friendship blogger that she or he have received a lot of emails in french after commenting to my blog. I don’t know why or how those spams comes in our blogs but they do, and I also have them even if I have a plugin to avoid them, I regularly delete a lot of them. If someone have any advice, let me know.

Postcard friday friendshipOk now it’s time to link to Beth’s blog Postcard Friendship Friday post !

What about you have you received best wishes cards or only mails and texts ? Let me know down bellow with a comment !

Happy friday and happy weekend folks !

23 commentaires sur “Holidays cards -Postcard Friendship Friday #202

    1. Well, I can manage them with my plugin, thanks god I have choosed to moderate my comments. But my concern was more about other people. Anyway, I’m very happy to see you here Beth. Your meme is always my enchanting break.

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