Three faces of Paris beauty for Postcard Friendship Friday #180

grace bailhache postcard paris cat lovers

This friday is a little special for me, after taking you back on time with Vintage masquerade ball at Moulin Rouge  last week. Today, I want to share more than just one card because, it’s my last rendez-vous with the meme this season. I was in Paris just before joining Posscrossing website and this postcard of cats lovers under the parisian moon catch my heart . This is the first one that I have sent to a delightful russian girl, she mentionned her romantic side and I thought this would please her. Fortunately she like it.

grace bailhache postcard paris funny montmartreThis postcard of Paris the best place in the World went in China to an adorable girl.   I like very much this Mona Lisa versus Lolita.

grace bailhache postcard paris bridge alexandreThis last postcard of a certain angle of Alexander III brigde was sent in the Netherlands. I picked this because according to her profile, the hollandese woman seems to like architecture.

I also have sent postcards from Chambery my actual city, but there not yet arrived.

Postcard friday friendship I  want to thank so much Beth for having me as a guest on this meme, for this is my last time to link on Postcard Friendship Friday. It’s my summer break time, but I will be busy on september too, so I won’t be back on « new blog posts’ until October. But still, whenever possible, I will drop by participants bloggers on Friday to see what they have shared.

I wish you all a very nice start of week end !

24 commentaires sur “Three faces of Paris beauty for Postcard Friendship Friday #180

  1. Je continue de fouiner sur ton blog, j’aime les cartes postales et les tiennes sont tellement belles. Paris en cartes et au cinéma me fera toujours rêver. Bonne soirée Grace

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