SWS : Van Gohn out of my dreams

grace bailhache van gohn subway paris

New week, new atmosphere, last saturday my siw words were an invitation to throw a coin and make a wish, this time it’s a little bit more strange. I really had a strange and stressful week. If it’s not your first visit to my blog, you probably have notice a change here and it’s totally involuntary , I had some issues with my blog and if my wonderful host helped to back-up and restore my files, I will restore the design with my webdesigner when the time is right. My six words are the result of my week of recurrent dream. Since wednesday, Vincent Van Gohn have been in all of my dreams, I should say nightmare, because I was always Killed, not in fact, he always to kill me but I wake up before that.  Different dreams, same guy, same eyes, and that really forced me to seek where I recently saw or here about the painter lately and I can’t remember. I found this picture in my phone,  but I took this picture of Vincent van Gogh in Paris subway after visiting the Orsay’s Museum but it was month ago. It’s a mystery for me, do you have any idea ? In all the dreams I remember, he was try to give me to god as a gift, a nice sacrifice. Hum ! In the first one, he try to burn me, in the second one, he changed me into a swan, and the last one I remember I was a horse.

Have you ever had reccurent dreams ? Normally I rarely remember my dreams, that the reason why, I’m so suprise, any suggestion will be welcome to get back to a sweet dream or at least a full night of sleep.

You can see others SWS links here Six word Saturday let get in, it’s a nice play  to meet new bloggers 

Happy saturday everyone !



25 commentaires sur “SWS : Van Gohn out of my dreams

    1. This is a current nightmare and I heard that in dreams death doesn’t mean our death, you see ?

    1. Well, since I heard that death in the cards means a change is coming, maybe it’s the same of dreams. Try to pay attention the day before and after if you have a change coming or something that stopped, maybe there’s a link Isobel. Let me know….

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