SWS : throw a coin make a wish

grace bailhache fontaine chambery

Last saturday my six word were Newyork my heart belongs to daddy and it has been a sort of relief to share that. Everything went wrong this week, sessions reported, appointment changes at last minute and I had to cancel a travel to Rome. Grrrrhhh ! Well there’s always a good side of every situation. Since I couldn’t enjoy either my favorite italian singer concert, either seing The Trevi Fountain, I choosed to look around and appreciate what I have in front of my eyes.  Yesterday for the first day of spring, all over the country we celebrate music and everyone is invited to play outside. And guess what I spend a part of the night out listening to diverse groups of music and before that I started to play around the fountain running after my shadow because the weather was great,  and soon some kids join me. It was hilarious.  And at a certain point, I saw two tourists threwing coins in the fountain. That remains me again of Rome. The two girls told me they threw coins and made wishes  everytime they saw a fountain with cupid or mermaid because it suppose to be lucky.

I didn’t throw a coin to make a wish, this time but I will probably to it this summer for fun, I will put my fairy tale costume and sing while throwing my precious coins in the foutain.

       With Faerie coins you can divine. Just make a wish when time is right,
                                                                     In crystal pools, by clear Moon light.
                                                                     Or leave in woods where Faeries be,
                                                                       To exchange a wish, for you to see.

Have you ever heard about this practise and would you try such a thing ?

All the bloggers links are here Six word Saturday the party is open anytime 

Happy saturday everyone !

27 commentaires sur “SWS : throw a coin make a wish

  1. Grow up little girl. Ce n’est plus de ton âge, les vœux ne se réalisent pas, les actions oui. Alph

    1. Ah ah ah ! I hope I will never grow up dearest friend. Thanks for stoppin by !!!

  2. Throwing coins into a fountain is such a fun tradition! I don’t know when I first heard of it, except that most everything I’ve learned came from books. 🙂 This means, it could be a North American tradition, but maybe it came from…. Wikipedia says it’s an European tradition…. So maybe I got the idea from British books!
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    1. Thank you dear, it was a real fun to live it as well
      You read so much that it’s won’t be a surprise for me that you had it from a book. When you know that Walt Disney get his castle inspiration from Europe and that most of the tales that we know today came’s also from north of Europe, it’s complicated to answer, but the fun was there.

  3. Lovely post Grace. I use water to help harness the « Qi » of my surrounding environment to better enhance my life achievement. Heard about Feng Shui?

    1. Woo that really nice. You’ll have to tell me more about this Qi thing Isobel. Yes I heard about it but really so little.

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