Morocco Essaouira for Postcard Friendship Friday #172

grace bailhache morocco postcard
It’s Postcard Friendship Friday, let’s rock ! This week we were finally blessed with sunshine, after rainy days. Maybe for the second half of June, I will be lucky to see some roses around the city, but not yet unfortunately Beth. So this week, once again, my card will be a travel one. After the Netherlands last week, let me take you in North Africa. Country ? Morocco. City ? Essaouira.
Last year, I was lucky to be invited few days in Morocco by my friend Andy. I spend much of the time in Marrakech and we just spend a day in Essaouira. Although Essaouira is on the sea, I didn’t have the chance to see local fishermen and thoses typical blue boats, that why, I was so happy to receive this postcard from Deliyah my friend’s fiancé.

If you want to joins Beth’s meme, it’s right here Postcard Friendship Friday !

Postcard friday friendship

Happy friday friendship !

31 commentaires sur “Morocco Essaouira for Postcard Friendship Friday #172

  1. This is great picture, Morocco is a nice country not always nice with black people, my brother have study there, I visit him in Rabat in 2003.

    1. Hum !!! Well thanks for the postcard. Actually you are not the first person to tell me about racism in Morocco as far as I’m concerned, racist people are everywhere, and thanks god I never meet them. Sorry for your brother if he had faces trouble there, it’s never easy to be in a new country around hostile people.

  2. Je visite ton blog en long et large et cette carte est si belle. Tu as déjà été au Maroc ? J’aime ce pays malgré quelques problèmes de communication.

    1. Merci de fureter Emmanuelle, çà fait toujours plaisir de savoir que les articles moins récents ont une seconde vie.

  3. J’ai joué dernièrement dans un récital privé à Marrakech, je t’ai envoyé quelques photos Grace. Je n’ai pas eu le temps d’aller à Essaouira mais j’ai pensé à toi.

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