Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work

grace bailhache quote aristotle

« Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.» Aristotle 384 BC- 322 BC  (Greek philosopher, student of Plato, teacher of Alexander the Great)

New month, new quote to start a new week. I love the idea. August smell so good, so let’s make it good by starting with the greek philosopher. The pleasure is so important in the work, especially when you spend a lot of time alone in front of my computer. Actually sometime I loose the pleasure but never for a all day, there always something that bring me back to my business. A sudden idea always come in my mind that make me says « of course I should have thing about this too. Well I’m addicted. Let share the pleasure all over !

12 commentaires sur “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work

    1. Congratulations G.P , you are doing well in english now. Step by step we’ll be able to have a conversation.

  1. absolutely dear thanks for sharing you should have put this on fb to be shared

    1. You are right sweetie, but I finally did a day later, because I’m not into that all at the same time everywhere. Do you see what I mean ?

  2. Good pic but what is important to know Grace is that you will never love every aspect of your work, but you can change your mental by being focus on spending your time on the right things and in the right roles. Then it will not be any longer a question of how many hours, but about doing what you love as much as possible.


    1. Hummm coach you gave me one of those AHA moment actually. THank you, I need to go more into this right roles you’ve mentionned.

  3. People who hate what they do every day are experiencing stress and anxiety 24 hours a day. They tend to focus on all of the bad parts of their job and life to the point where they miss the good parts. Most of the time, it’s not the job the problem but the person. I know people who change company and now there are facing the same problem. They didn’t change the most important. Themselves.

    1. Ooo guys you’ve been so inspired by Aristotle. I like the way to put it here Philippe. The good parts versus the bad parts….Hummmm… Let me know more about this.

  4. I wish I can think like Aristote but I can’t because I don’t my job anymore but it pay my bill. I love the image.

    1. Oooo my dear, I know you have the ability to find something, even a little thing that you do every day that could help you see your work differently…Otherwise if it’s really so hard, try to find what you really like and without quiting your job, pursue what you really want after work or before work and somehow if you’re really commit to that, things gonna happen…

  5. I like this one too Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life by Confucius.

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