Eve Ensler – happiness in body and soul

I’ve discorvered Eve Ensler work, something like seven years ago, and I was totally amazed by the eclectism and the quality of  research she made to create  « The Vagina Monologues ». I appreciated the « reading play » choice of direction and saw this play two times with differents actress. When I discover this video talk,  I felt like yes, I do think the same, so let share it.

About this talk

Eve Ensler, creator of « The Vagina Monologues, » shares how a discussion about menopause with her friends led to talking about all sorts of sexual acts onstage, waging a global campaign to end violence toward women and finding her own happiness.

24 commentaires sur “Eve Ensler – happiness in body and soul

    1. Merci Angela, à toi aussi, je vois que çà se passe plutôt bien au soleil.

  1. are you sure big boss that they read yah ? don’t really like here sorry she makes me uncomfortable xo

    1. Robin it’s very important for all the woman and it show how for centuri man everywhere in this world has been treated bad women because of their sex. Let me guess why you don’t her because she said thing that your church don’t approve ? Alph

        1. @ Robin : As you can see by yourself, some did, others not !

          @ Alphonsyne : oops my dear, I really don’t understant, why you guys are still fighting about spirituals matter, you don’t share the same ideas, fine…Let it flow..You convinced each other…let end it here. Thanks !

          1. Not this time Geneviève. Oui, d’abord merci d’avoir dépasser ta hantise de te tromper en anglais, puis je te rassure Robin te taquine, son français s’est beaucoup amélioré grâce à la pratique, elle est la dernière à avoir ce genre de réaction, et enfin, non je ne fais plus les deux langues, je vais les séparer, c’est plus pratique pour le référencement et aussi pour les blogueurs anglophones que j’envisage de prospecter. Mais ne t’en fais pas il restera assez de sujet en français.

            A bientôt

      1. I can explain better in french but I do not see why I must be interesting about the woman sex, for me is it personal like intimity. Is it not necessary to share everything a woman have also a secret garden is good for me. Gilou

        1. @ G.P : yes, it’s a point of view dear. What would you think about Learning just a little bit more on the topic, for instance, I saw the play, and I learn a lot, I think you could also be surprised to enjoy it, it’s made in a funny, not at all, men are the enemies. You see ?

          Si tu ne comprends pas, n’hésites pas à me le dire et je t’enverrais une traduction. Merci de ta participation.

  2. First I couldn’t stand her from the start but then you made me watch the entire video and I understood what she means, not to show off but she really had a purpose and her journey is inspiring. I discover this woman from Mexico, it’s very impressive.

  3. Grace why we don’t have the translation ? It’s not so easy for me to understand everything that she say.

    1. Oooo Paulette, I forget to add it on the topic. Of course you can have a translation. You see the read button, when you click on this, then you have a choice of language.

  4. I like when she says that hapiness exist in action, in telling the truth, in giving away what you love the most, she’s great. Thank you so much for sharing this.

    1. Hummm Isobel I love the way she ended this presentation, thank for reading and commenting all along.

    1. Oooo I see Michel, you didn’t look the all video…Fine…It’s your choice. z

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