To reach a port, we must sail

It’s whit monday today and it’s a bank holiday for us. Nothing really changes for me today beside the private part of my morning in which I’ll take the take to share some blessings with my family and friends. I still have to work on my small business as I do every single day with a great pleasure. It’s really a nice adventure I’m living now and I picked this quote by Franklin Roosevelt to share some motivation for the day with you. It’s says : « To reach a port, we must sail—Sail, not tie at anchor—Sail, not drift. » I do love that idea of sailing and I’m sailing through my facebook page some night of the week, sailing from UK to Australia, than from the US to the Philippines and then back to France. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. And if you’re not a part of it, come joins us here we’re 300 for now and I work on reaching the 500 before the end of june.

Wish a nice week

4 commentaires sur “To reach a port, we must sail

  1. This quote don’t inspire me at all big boss so sorry for that. I don’t like sailing the simply mention of sail gives me heartache. I once date the sailor kind. Done it once, twice but no one will fool me again. Sailing is cold, uncomfortable, too long, and so boring.

  2. never mind sweetie !It happens ! Anyway I’m not a sailor either but I have some pleasant recollection of specials trip so…

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