Five inventive tips to make to your blog popular

inventive tips blog popular

I’m still inspire by Ronnie’s article « The 50 Creative Ways To Make Your Blog Popular » posted  as Tips for Bloggers on the Top Seo Tricks. I have already confronte some creative wayscreatives tipsastonish ways to my niche, possibilities and environnement. Now let have a look on those  Five inventive tips  and yes, you can find the picture I use for this post on Istockphoto

16. Tell your visitors about your latest fad or obsession.

For sure, as long as the fad stick to the subject. I always try to do it, but I have to improve myself in it.

17. Post interesting pictures of your pets.

I might be wrong, but honestly, I think it wouldn’t be consider serious in France,  to treat such too personal subject in a professionnal blog. But actually it’s a sweet idea and I can use it instead on Facebook or for some clients.

18. Congratulate the top commentators occasionally.

I love doing this, and I have choose a top commentator with Gravatar. I still have a lot of commentator who do not use an avatar. I’m thinking about putting a call on my sidebar for that.

19. Encourage sharing of opinions.

Practical and logical at the same time. I should do it more often. I add it to my improve list.

20. Donate for a cause or become a volunteer for a non-profit organization. Ask your visitors to join you

Well this is really a find.  I have to think about it first. But it a good idea.

Now it’s your turn—what’s inventive way do you fancy much and which one are you using ?

6 commentaires sur “Five inventive tips to make to your blog popular

  1. Many people are not sure what to do when it comes to make choice for theirs blogs I really can’t figure it out properly since I don’t have one yet. But I’m seriously thinking about being part of Genevieve project and this serie is a great help big boss.

    1. Thanks sweetie. I think you will be a terrific team, I hope so Rob. We will see. You know how is it. Wait and see.

    1. Me neither dear ! I get it from the urban dictionary online, and it’s an abbreviation. Just in case you need a confirm, here’s what I came with : fad = a thing that becomes very popular in a short amount of time, and then is forgotten at about the same speed.

    1. No dear, not that I know. People are more into collab videos you know ? You’ve probably seen some ?

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