Little by little, I’m studying and confronting tips inspired by Ronnie article » the 50 Creative Ways To Make Your Blog Popular » posted as Tips for Bloggers on the Top Seo Tricks that inspires me to study piece by piece.
I found out this article 50 Creative Ways To Make Your Blog Popular on the Top Seo Tricks Posted by Ronnie as Tips for Bloggers. Great job but actually I just ask myself isn’t it too much ? But it always cool to share it, so take say that I’m gonna take them five by five and see what I found relevant or not to try in my particular situation and what could be useful to advice for some clients.
Well I’m not a professional blogger, meaning, I don’t blog for a living, but I have a create a blog in order to promote a small business. Still I don’t intend to work only in my geographical aera, I have planned to look around and see what the world is doing and inspired myself to adapt things to my work, skills and goals.