How to set your short Facebook URL in 60 Seconds

set facebook short urlLately I have been strolling and cruising around a lot of new facebook pages and a lot of them needed to set a short Facebook page URL. The problem is that during the promotions or networking no one really have so much time to answer to new people who are struggling with something that seems simple or a detail while it’s not. Because Having your « vanity URL » makes you easy to FIND, to TAG and to PROMOTE.

What’s the difference ?

At the beginning my facebook url looks like this : and I have reduce it down to

So here is how you can set  your « vanity » Facebook URL

facebook grace-bailhacheBefore doing it make sure you have spelled everything correctly and also that you are logged in with the proper profile, for those you have more than one profile. Because you cannot change your new short Facebook URL once it is created.

1. Log into your Facebook account / Use Facebook as a Page : you’ll reach the admin for your Facebook Page)

2. Go to

3. In the top box, you’ll see the username for your PERSONAL profile.

4. Edit the Username section (you’ll see it in the middle)

5. Enter your desired username and click “Check Availability.” If your choice is available, you’ll see a warning message that informs you that you will NOT be able TO CHANGE the username once it is set. If you are sure, take a deep breath and click !

Et voilà…You have your simple, clear and easy to remember Facebook page Url adress  !

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