An effective video to develop the mindset of a champion

Personal development is at the root of every successful entrepreneurs. I would be willing to say it is the absolute most important ingredient for success. Today, I would like to share this powerful video a friend of mine send me last week, short, empower the perfect kind of  speech, energy that gives you a way to Develop the Mindset of a CHAMPION, look at this, listen to this speech, not only once, but everytime you feel a lack of belief and motivation like.

Here are the two first paragraph of this amazing speech

I Am A Champion
I will conquer what has not been conquered.
Defeat will not be in my creed.
I will believe what others have doubted.
I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor and respect of my team
I have trained my mind and my body will follow.
I will acknowledge the fact that my opponents do not expect me to win.
But I will never surrender.
Weakness will not be in my heart.
I will look to my comrades, and to those who brought me into this world, and those who train me and I will draw strength from that.

Enjoy it and if you have something to say, make sure to leave a comment.

I’d love to hear from you!

17 commentaires sur “An effective video to develop the mindset of a champion

  1. OMG that so powerful who sent it to you big boss ? Will share it on fb

  2. If Luther King and Ali had a son it might be him ?
    good video


  3. Dear Grace,
    I think that Having the mindset of a champion means doing whatever it takes to get where you want to go, for me being a champion is not stomping on other’s to get where you want to go. This message have a part that I don’t share.

  4. Dear Grace,

    I have sent to you a link for a video that you could like is about Michael Jordan and the mindset of a champion. Check out..


  5. Dear Grace,

    I think you have a mindset of a champion like the sisters williams and I wish you will come back very soon. Have you receive the link of the video of the sister talking about it ?
    Thank you for your answer

  6. Terrific to finally have your answers ! I don’t have the exact word of this speech. Do you have the entire speech with you ?


  7. Dear Grace,

    You are very busy but I very patient. Although they have try and maintained some success, some poeple will never developed the mindset of a champion.


  8. I think the mind performance works for athletes, and it can work for anyone who want it very much too.


  9. No Xavier. Not everyone has the characteristics that Make a Champion! Look at The tour de France and tell me that every good sport can be as good as Lance Armstrong or Jeannie Longo. A mindset of a champion is also to forget pain, age and everything What is tough, you have to believe in yourself even when no one else do. And not everybody does.


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