Sunday quote with Antoine de Saint Exupéry

grace bailhache quote saint exupery build shipYou, dear readers told me that you were missing my motivationalx quotes, so today I would like to share thoughts from Saint Exupéry. Just as a reminder in case you don’t know who I’m talking about, Antoine de Saint Exupéry was a French writer and aviator.

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.”

Quand tu veux construire un bateau, ne commence pas par rassembler du bois, couper des planches et distribuer du travail, mais réveille au sein des hommes le desir de la mer grande et large.*

I love this quote because it speaks of inspiration, desire to inspire and that is how I understand marketing. To go further, this thought also refers to other elements of entrepreneurship. Indeed, as an entrepreneur,  it’s about inspiring people, being a true leader. People are not robots, they need to feel and desire. Orders, deadlines are efficients but making people want to learn or work because they know why they are doing what they’re doing and how important is it.

For me the big picture of this quote might be this one : instead of ordering or waiting for people to come to you, be more passionate, be inspiring.

Tell me yours dear readers, ever heard this quote before, how do you understand it, any other(s) related quote(s) to share so far ? I will see you on the comments !

* Update/Mise à jour le 5 juillet

28 commentaires sur “Sunday quote with Antoine de Saint Exupéry

  1. Perfect. The man was a soldier, a pioneer and a leader. Everything I like. Thank you Grace.

  2. La fille qui a des idées tu es maintenant un cartoon. Il faudrait peut-être rajouter la version française aussi. Otherwise I like the quote it’s good for children inspiration to think like this.

    1. Yes dearest Michel, it’s from Bitstrips an funny page that allow you to turn yourself and your friends into cartoon characters, and create and share your own awesome comic strips! I’m glad you like both quote and cartoon.

    1. Oooo that a good question Xavier since Saint-Exupéry was an aviator. I really can’t tell.

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