Grace Bailhache postcards 5 ways to travel around the World

grace bailhache poscard usa sunflower quote george eliotI asked you  to pick 2 topics for march blog posts and you preferred an article on something personal about me, instead of celebrating international woman’s day? Ooo ! You guys are so amazing….Yes, I’m very passionate about a lot of things but you guys should stop thinking I have a passionnate life. SMILES !

So I have tried to make a list of the most frequently asked questions from you and one often came back: what is your biggest personal dream? A nice job? A beautiful house? A sweet family? Yeah! I guess you didn’t wanted me to answer peace over the world, no more starving people and child abuse.

Humm! My biggest dream? It’s a hard one….

Since I have a lot of small goals that I often reach and create others, but I’ve never really considered a big or ge dream. But since you also asked me about my poscards journey, I thought I could mixed all thoses topics for a post, and here we are. I finally made up my mind and what I really like most is travelling. So my big dream is to have a job that allows me to travel ten month a year with my family.

To complete my answer here are the top 5 travel destinations from my 2015 posscrossing collection:

grace bailhache postcard honk kong bruce lee statueN°1: Honk-Kong

This card was sent to me by an Australian guy who knew my interest for martial art. This is my absolute favorite, I was so excited when I received it, I jumped for a minute or two. I’am attracted to this creative city, from what I saw through  Hong Kong movies.

grace bailhache postcard indiaN°2: India

I love this card althought, I never dreamed of going in India. Most  of my friends are crazy about Boollywood movies but, I just can’t rely to anything except maybe the spiritual part such as meditation and also I’m curious about the indian techie jump with « Silicon india Valey ». I would love to see how it’s works there !

grace bailhache postcard chinaN°3: China

Well, some of you guys know, I have lived for 2 years in Beijing when I was a child. I never felt the need to return there. I still like the sound of the language, or rather languages, because there are at least two that I remember so far : the Mandarin and Cantonese. As for dreams destinations around there, I’am more attracted to Vietnam, Thailand and Japan. But I couldn’t resist sharing this «cute» card. I love it so much !

grace bailhache postcard australiaN°4: Australia

Here is another destination totally out of my comfort and crush zone as well.The thing is that I like very much the light of this card and I wanted to make a wink to acquaintances who invited me to visit them to Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Good news is that, I no longer regarded Australia as the end of the world but we’re not yet there guys. But I no longer say never, because I’ve learned that, life is full of surprises ! So, wait and see !

grace bailhache postcard maroccoN°5: Morocco

Some of you may remember that that I was in Morocco in 2013. This short video filmed with my iphone and a small camera was posted on the blog sidebar for one week. You should recognize two elements listed on the postcard. Let me know if you did. So it was a nice stay but I picked this card most of all the kind words written behind. As for African continent, except for my own, I’m more attracted by Kenya, Nigeria, Ivorian Coast, Senegal and Egypt.

Let me know what’s are your top dreams destinations ? What are your favorite treats when you travel ?

Can’t wait to read your comments ! Enjoy your week !

84 commentaires sur “Grace Bailhache postcards 5 ways to travel around the World

  1. Yes un tournesol ma fleur préféré. Moi aussi j’aime les voyages je n’ai pas les moyens, tu peux me traduire la citation ?

    1. Fati, voyager ne signifie pas toujours partir au bout du monde. La France est grande, certains pays européens sont encore plus accessible, je pense à l’Espagne par exemple. Il existe de nouvelles possibilités qui permettent de voyager à moindre frais. Ne te ferme pas des portes qui ne demandent qu’à s’ouvrir.

      La traduction de la citation : Il n’est jamais trop tard pour devenir ce que nous aurions pu être. Je préfère la mettre au présent, mais c’est la traduction officielle trouvée en ligne.

  2. J’aimerais voyager mais j’ai un peu trop peur en avion c’est horrible. Boolywood j’adore.

    1. Ouille ! C’est terrible en effet Joséphine, j’ai également quelques appréhensions sur les courtes distances, mais l’envie de partir est plus forte que la peur chez moi donc j’ai trouvé une solution, et, je te souhaite de trouver la tienne aussi.

      Aie… J’avoue avoir du mal avec le cinéma indien, mais je comprends qu’il plaise énormément…Autour de moi, les fans sont très nombreux à y avoir succomber comme toi.

  3. Chère Grace,
    Ta collection de cartes s’agrandit. Nous avons été en Inde, en Chine et bien sur le Maroc. Honk Kong nous a échappé et l’Australie nous y pensons.

    1. Ooo quel plaisir de te relire Maryse, que de belles destinations pour vous, j’espère que vous me glisserez un de ces jours dans vos valises. SouRIRES !
      A très bientôt !

  4. I change often my dream travel, actually I’m thinking a lot of Tahiti, Bora Bora and French Polynesia in the Pacific Ocean. Would you like to join me as a special treat to enjoy this paradise ?

    1. Thanks for sharing your destinations Angela, I’ll check some of them since I have no idea about them. Keep me posted on your plan and I’ll see if I can join you someday.

  5. tu t eclate toujour a mort avec tes cartes j adoooore ta video ca m etonne que t ai fait marakech c super sympa j aurai trop aime y aller avec toi

    1. Estelle, c’est une passion que j’entretiens et qui me le rend bien désormais. Merci pour la vidéo, je pensais que tu la connaissais déjà…A te relire !

  6. Returning to favorite places is a must. Going back to Greece, over and over, is one of our pleasure liefe Grace, we like swimming a lot.

  7. Though most of my travel plans for the year are on-hold until June/July, I would consider all your destinations. There nothing better as a treat then travelling with the one you love. Take care. P.S.T.

  8. Big boss you know my dreamtrips vacation half adventurers and half luxury travelers and everything in between. luv yah ♥

  9. I have been traveling all of my life, but I can’t get enought of Africa. My favorite things to do is talking with people, changing cultural ways of dealing with life, spirituality. Like you Amazing Grace !

  10. I wish you will afford to travel to all these great places. Thanks for sharing.

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