How to avoid those 3 words Threat to Your prospecting and sales effort

grace bailhache words avoid prospecting

What better way to answer your questions ? Updating and republishing an article originally publishedthat will help you. How to avoid those 3 words Threat to Your prospecting and sales effort was originally published in july 2013. Hopefully you’ll get a chance to improve your effort.

In person or over the phone, nothing is more important to prospecting (other than actually doing it) than the words you use. This means you have to maximize the impact of every word, they need to be compellingand not threat to your prospecting process. Words have power and using the right one in front of the right person at the right moment can make all the difference on helping your prospect to take the final decision.

I have listed below 3 words treat to your prospecting and sales efforts along with some alternatives

Word to avoid : problem
The word problem has a more negative connotation. You have the tendancy to identify people with the words they use, so you can allow yourself to be related to a word that evokes an unpleasant situation. Your goal is to help your prospect to solve a pain and help them to move up to the next level.

Alternative : challenge
The word challenge gives a sense of empowerment. By using it, you definitely help your prospect to view the situation of struggle  in a completely different light. This word tells more than another that you are offering as an opportunity. Then it will up to you to demonstrate it.

Word to avoid : cheaper
When time are hard people are tempted to take the most inexpensive route. You might then be tempted yourself to use the word cheaper to seduce your prospect. The word cheaper might sends to your prospect a negative image of himself as someone who is selfish or suggests that your product (service) may be shoddy, or not as well made as something more expensive ; on the other hand you might be associated as a person of small value.

Alternative : more economical
I use the formula More economical instead of  cheaper because it’s avoid the negative connotation. The word « more » always indicate a gain of value. That way you still be can rely to the desire to spend less and having quality at the same time.

Word to avoid : cost, price
The question here is not to avoid the fact that your work and time deserve a payment, absolutely not. You should forget them if you are prospecting to sell bread or butter. Well the fact is that those word are too commodity oriented and you want to keep your prospect on a business level.

Alternatives : fee, total amoung or total investment
It’s the use that will make of your products or services that will determine whether you should use the word fee, total amoung or total investment (sessions, lessons with coach…). Using one of those alternative words as a substitute for price or cost not only denotes a payment to a professional but they are fairly self explanatory and make sense.

You must understand why those alternative words are persuasive in order to use them in the right contexts that make sense for your prospect and your business.There, you’ve been warned. Now let’s go and try it.

Let me know about your experiences and I’ll see you in the comments bellow !

51 commentaires sur “How to avoid those 3 words Threat to Your prospecting and sales effort

  1. I would like to think that most of the advice on this post is common sense really. However I do often see how I badly react to those words. We have to think from both side. Good job Grace.


  2. Yes this post is very useful, back in the days my first copy writer shows that most of our sales messages contains dozens of words that were both trite and ineffective. Thanks for the insights. Blessings.

    1. Heather, glad you found it helpful and thanks for the words of support and blessings.

  3. Thanks Grace, you’re right, any word that triggers a selling situation is a word that you need to avoid.I like the way you alternate between very general articles and technical ones.

    1. Tiffany, glad you like the posts. I try to be as practical and helpful as possible.

  4. Great post Grace. This is where writing and psychology meet each other. I think it’s all about personalizing the experience and humanizing the sale process.

    1. Dear Giovi, thanks for the additional points. I am sure they will be helpful to all the readers. I look forward to hearing much more from you.

  5. Thanks to your post, I improved my own writing since last year. I surely have more engagement since then.


  6. Great write but a little short. If you did not read it, I recommend “How To Master the Art of Selling” written by author Tom Hopkins since he provides 18 words to avoid, along with their substitutes, which you should use in a selling situation.

  7. Great article Grace. I get 60% of my business from using the right words to the right prospect, they always return my call or email me rather than I chase them.

    1. Matteo that’s fabulous, Thanks for the feedback, looking forward to hearing much more from you.

  8. Nicolas Boileau say put your work twenty times upon the anvil. Never complains, never explain. You don’t need to always provide new content when you already have unread articles.

    1. Thanks for sharing your motto Philippe… Great to know that I have your full support

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