SWS : Newyork my heart belongs to daddy

grace bailhache father day new york timesquare

Last week, I shared a Vals at New England Tango Academy, today let’s move to the big apple. Tomorrow is father’s day, I miss mine everyday. My dad told me a lot about Newyork and while I was there last month, I dad the feeling that every step I made, he was with me. My dad teaches me a lot of things, but this particular phrase came back to my ears while I was on Time Square : « you can do everything, you can go everywhere ». Another way to say the sky is the limit

Our song

My song

It’s fun to join this meme, all that’s necessary to participate is to describe your life (or something) in a phrase using just six words, so come in here Six word Saturday

I wish you a lovely saturday !


34 commentaires sur “SWS : Newyork my heart belongs to daddy

  1. Ping : Jake
    1. Always there reading and commenting for the best thanks stranger. Actually I don’t know this song, but I guess it’s the link you emailed me ? Can’t wait to hear your story being that.

  2. Grace this heartfelt and original post show in few words how you really care about him !

  3. I know new york only with series television I don’t think I can go there now it’s too expensive with the family. I like the song new york new york with lisa minelli and also the song of marilyn.

    1. Ah ah you’re right there’s a lot of tv shows picturing the big apple, but it’s different to see, smell and heard the city herself by yourself. I’m sorry that you can’t afford it now but you knows what the futur is made of ?

    1. This is not a real comment but an invitation to check the next six words saturday post !

  4. New-York is a city I dream to visit one day. It’s great that you gone there we say the death are never dead you have to remember it always.

    1. I hope you will make it and go there dear. This quote have a new and real meaning for me lately thank you for reminding me !

  5. Although losing your dad unconditional love is one of the hardest things you endure, it is still it Better to Have Loved and be loved and Lost Than Never to Have Loved at All. bon dimanche ma belle

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