End of the nightmare and Boston is strong (2)

grace bailhache from boston newspaper globeBoston has been an unusual and quite « surreal » start of vacation for me. Four days after twin bombs killed three and wounded more than a hundred at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, police announced last friday that they had arrested the 19-year-old Chechen. I took this picture of april 20 Boston Globe’s front page to share the triumphant mood in Boston after bombing suspect brother was taken into custody after day-long manhunt. I really don’t wanna think about the immigrants dream that turn into this American nightmar, can’t even write theirs names. Instead, all my blessings are for all the victims, the runners, people who were around the finish line to see friends but also to all the doctors that weren’t prepared for that day. On my way to this travel, I was focus on my own challenge to let the past go. Life can change in one day I knew that, but when it’s happen in a sudden and violent way, it’s not so easy to handle. But, It could have happen everywhere, I choose to think that america is not more violent than others country, things happens everywhere. I can’t help by thinking about Albert Camus and his notion of absurdity, this quote for instead reflect my actual mood about this tragedy and the human kind :

“I said that the world is absurd, but I was too hasty. This world in itself is not reasonable, that is all that can be said. But what is absurd is the confrontation of this irrational and the wild longing for clarity whose call echoes in the human heart.”

I take my lesson from this slogan « Boston strong » just to say that fear must and will never win.

2 commentaires sur “End of the nightmare and Boston is strong (2)

  1. Grace,

    This article is actually a nice one about your trip. Your level of detail is very good and also the clarity of writing is excellent.


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