How was 2012 for you … really?

how evaluate year small business2012 was great for some, but not for others. Things have been tough for businesses, especially small businesses during the past several months. Most of us had to be staying up at night thinking of new ways to to reach our clients and consumers are more reluctant than ever to spend. This is the toughest economic environment that most of us have seen.

But the year is draws to a close, and  I have an important question for you and that include me.

It’s the moment to be brutally honest with ourselves here and answers few questions.

Did you make more money? what I needed but not as much as I wanted.
Did you spend more or less time with the people you love,  your family and friends? actually not that much
Did you travel as much as you wanted? only two of the five plans so no.
Do you have more free time? when I sleep is the best answer I have
Did you reduce or eliminate any « debt » you may have? eliminate one and get another at the end of the year.
Did you adequately fund your retirement account ? yes

And last not but not least do you want to go the next level and how bad do you want it ? Of course yes. Well I have to make changes in order to have differents results.

The first thing I did was to look back at 2012 month after month and evaluate what has worked and where my business did right to do more of it in 2013, the second was to seek out a mentor to help and guide me not because I’m weak but because I want to remain strong and take a chance to get a fresh new start and create a massive transformation in the New Year…

Can you answer any branding of those questions and your approach to evaluate your year ?